kolmapäev, 26. veebruar 2014

Do you boo! The coolest woman on earth- Shameless Maya!

So, I have been a "stalker" of a woman who does videos in youtube. Her name is Maya and girls- she is amazing. Really! She does videos about really everything and I havent found a video from her, that I do not like. I think I have watched her videos from 2012 or maby the beginning of 2013? Not sure. But she is AMAZING. I am such a fan! She is a person that we all should look up to. A true star! I am loving her style and personality. She is so unique and most of all- shameless! Oh, and I forgot. Not only that she is smart,funny,shameless and so so talented, she is so beautiful! I have been struggling to accept myself more and this woman has been the biggest helper on my journey and I am sure, that I am not the only one she has helped! So if you need a person who inspires you! You should tottally look this girl up!

Got this photo from google. :)

Her youtube channel:

Her blog:



The most beautiful body is the body that YOU feel good in.

I am so sick of hearing people ramble about the most beautiful body type. YES, we all have our own views about beauty, but do we have to force out preferences on others and be mean and say hurtful things? Really. I am done with all these "motivational" quotes, that really do more harm then good. Saying that REAL women have curves, is as wrong as saying that big girls are ugly. What do all those girls, who are born tall and slim have to feel hearing that real women have curves? They feel the same way than those girls who have to hear that they are unworthy because they are big. Also, what is a big girl? I hear normal size girls saying that they are ugly, just because they are not skinny? What is going on? We need to take back our self awareness, out confidence and be ok with ourselves. The only person who should motivate you to lose or gain weight is you! And if you are not ok, with yourself, then the only way is trying to do something about this, not being mean with others. Sitting on your bum, wont make anything better. We need to take control of our lives.
Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

 Wanna see pretty girls,scroll down! :) ;)


teisipäev, 11. veebruar 2014

Pictures of the allmighty Contouring!

There is nothing else I love about makeup than it is contouring. You can fix your flaws, make your face more appealing or just play with what you´ve got! So I decided to look out some cool and easy examples, you all can try out!
Here they are. And remember- BLENDING is the key!
Also remember girls, that less is more! And even tho you can use this to make yourself feeling better while going out, then the main thing to beauty is really what comes from the
inside. Begin confident with yourself and acceptind who you are!

Have fun!