esmaspäev, 21. aprill 2014

Whoś the cutest youtuber of them all???

 And the answer is- ZOELLA!

Check her out! She is pretty, funny and CUTE. I love her videos and vlogs. Lovelovelove her! She has such a bubbly personality and it is always such joy to see her new videos. She is the kind of a girl, that could in my opinion burp for an hour on a video and still be cute. Seriously. I admit I might have some issues, cause burping for and hour is nothing to be proud of and I am sure it is not very healthy either, but I hope y´all got the point.

Her youtube channel 1:

pühapäev, 6. aprill 2014

The story of saying NO

So, I had an accident at work and I really needed some advise and help, so I called my boss for that. But did I get it? Ofcourse not, but that´s okay, because that was the point when I started thinking- Is it worth it?
Nope! Nope! Nope!
So I had to start fighting for myself and my rights. Aaaaaaand I lost. But that is okay too, because while I was speaking up for myself I got so much more experience and courage ! AMAZEBALLZ!
So, what now? Well, I have a new job in june and tomorrow I am going to put my letter of resignation to my bosses desk. And I am going to do that with pride. I deserve a better job and a better boss. Lol. :D Letś see what happens. 

xoxo, Ammiebird