esmaspäev, 21. aprill 2014

Whoś the cutest youtuber of them all???

 And the answer is- ZOELLA!

Check her out! She is pretty, funny and CUTE. I love her videos and vlogs. Lovelovelove her! She has such a bubbly personality and it is always such joy to see her new videos. She is the kind of a girl, that could in my opinion burp for an hour on a video and still be cute. Seriously. I admit I might have some issues, cause burping for and hour is nothing to be proud of and I am sure it is not very healthy either, but I hope y´all got the point.

Her youtube channel 1:

pühapäev, 6. aprill 2014

The story of saying NO

So, I had an accident at work and I really needed some advise and help, so I called my boss for that. But did I get it? Ofcourse not, but that´s okay, because that was the point when I started thinking- Is it worth it?
Nope! Nope! Nope!
So I had to start fighting for myself and my rights. Aaaaaaand I lost. But that is okay too, because while I was speaking up for myself I got so much more experience and courage ! AMAZEBALLZ!
So, what now? Well, I have a new job in june and tomorrow I am going to put my letter of resignation to my bosses desk. And I am going to do that with pride. I deserve a better job and a better boss. Lol. :D Letś see what happens. 

xoxo, Ammiebird

kolmapäev, 26. veebruar 2014

Do you boo! The coolest woman on earth- Shameless Maya!

So, I have been a "stalker" of a woman who does videos in youtube. Her name is Maya and girls- she is amazing. Really! She does videos about really everything and I havent found a video from her, that I do not like. I think I have watched her videos from 2012 or maby the beginning of 2013? Not sure. But she is AMAZING. I am such a fan! She is a person that we all should look up to. A true star! I am loving her style and personality. She is so unique and most of all- shameless! Oh, and I forgot. Not only that she is smart,funny,shameless and so so talented, she is so beautiful! I have been struggling to accept myself more and this woman has been the biggest helper on my journey and I am sure, that I am not the only one she has helped! So if you need a person who inspires you! You should tottally look this girl up!

Got this photo from google. :)

Her youtube channel:

Her blog:



The most beautiful body is the body that YOU feel good in.

I am so sick of hearing people ramble about the most beautiful body type. YES, we all have our own views about beauty, but do we have to force out preferences on others and be mean and say hurtful things? Really. I am done with all these "motivational" quotes, that really do more harm then good. Saying that REAL women have curves, is as wrong as saying that big girls are ugly. What do all those girls, who are born tall and slim have to feel hearing that real women have curves? They feel the same way than those girls who have to hear that they are unworthy because they are big. Also, what is a big girl? I hear normal size girls saying that they are ugly, just because they are not skinny? What is going on? We need to take back our self awareness, out confidence and be ok with ourselves. The only person who should motivate you to lose or gain weight is you! And if you are not ok, with yourself, then the only way is trying to do something about this, not being mean with others. Sitting on your bum, wont make anything better. We need to take control of our lives.
Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

 Wanna see pretty girls,scroll down! :) ;)


teisipäev, 11. veebruar 2014

Pictures of the allmighty Contouring!

There is nothing else I love about makeup than it is contouring. You can fix your flaws, make your face more appealing or just play with what you´ve got! So I decided to look out some cool and easy examples, you all can try out!
Here they are. And remember- BLENDING is the key!
Also remember girls, that less is more! And even tho you can use this to make yourself feeling better while going out, then the main thing to beauty is really what comes from the
inside. Begin confident with yourself and acceptind who you are!

Have fun!

reede, 24. jaanuar 2014

a little photoshoot with Beautiful Anna-Liisa

Photos,makeup,hair by me.
Model: Anna-Liisa

Please, if you want to use some of my pictures, be so kind to contact me first .


10 HOMEMADE HAIR MASKS! Finally! (Sorry for the delay)


1 teaspoon of olive oil,1 peppercorn- chop it into really tiny pieces, half a cup of nettle extract ( boil the nettle on a stove for about 20 minutes, then let it cool down). Mix it all together and massage it into your scalp for five to ten minutes.
Do it right before washing your hair.
This mask is good for hair growth and hair loss.


this is also for hair loss, but don´t do it more than once a week.
Take one glass of cognac, add one onion- also chopped into tiny bits. Let this mix stand for 24h. Massage this onto your scalp for 15-20 min and then wash off. 


 1 teaspoon of castor oil, one egg yellow, three quarters of cooled camomille tea. Apply this mix on your hair and give it heat (put a towel on your hair to keep it warm) then after about 2-3 hours you can wash it off. :)


one egg yellow, a teaspoon of castor oil and a spoonful of warm water. Apply ,hold 30 min, wash! Easy as this! :)


2 spoons of cognac, one teaspoon of castor oil, 2 spoons of honey, and one spoon of lemon juice. apply, 30 min, wash off


Chopped ginger+spoon of olive oil= hairgrowth. Apply on scalp ,30 min, wash 


Chop 2 onions as small as you can, drain it all trough a cloth to a cup and then drop by drop- apply to your scalp and hair. Put a foil hat on and leave it by night. In the morning wash your hair normally. 


3 teaspoons of honey,3 teaspoons of milk, one crushed banana, one egg, 5 teaspoons of olive oil. Mix it carefully to a smooth mixture. Hold 30 min, then wash


One avocado, 3 teaspoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix and apply. 20 min. Wash

3 spoons of unflavoured joghurt, 2 spoons of olive oil, 1 spoon of honey. Mix, 20 min, wash

                                               picture from

neljapäev, 16. jaanuar 2014

My no-poo haircare part 2 - HOW and WHAT?

  It has been only 3 1/2 weeks for my no chemical haircare and I have to say I am loving it! My hair does not get dirty or greasy as fast as they used to. My hair ends are not so dry and split ends- what split ends!? I am so happy that I started this. Ofcourse, there were a few times when I just wanted to go and wash my hair with the products I used to use and just leave this experiment. But I am so happy, that I didnt.

My shampoo

1. What do I use?

1 egg, 2 teaspoons of hand warm water

There are so many ways of washing your hair, but right now it feels like this is the best for me. 

The second alternative, that I used after putting raw coconut oil on my hair and my hair was really greasy afterwards is  :

1 egg, hand warm water, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and half a teaspoon of apple vinegar.

This mix is a bit drying, thats why I only am going to use it on the times I have used some kind of hairmask, to wash the oil out.

2. How?

I just mix these ingredients together with , It is important that the eggs white and yellow part is mixed together. For doing this I use the tupperware happy chopper.

Please do not wash your hair with too warm/hot water. You don´t want to end with a boiled egg on your hair.

Next time (17.01.14) there will be a big hairmask post. So wait for it!


esmaspäev, 13. jaanuar 2014

What do wear to a job interview? Pictures!

   I am going to a work interview this thursday and I have been thinking about this subject a lot. I have written down some main points and looked for some pictures, that should help me with my choice. So here they are:
  1.  What kind of work am I applying for? The clothes should give a little hint to the interviewer about the clothes you are going to wear while working.
    -I am applying a job to a sports and health centre, so I am not going to be wearing a suit to the interview.
  2. How are you going to the interview? Well I am going to walk there (about 3 km) so I am not wearing any high heels, something comfy and simple looking will be good.
  3. Do not try to be someone else. The person interviewing you wants to know as much about you, as possible. So express your personality, but do not go too wild with it.
  4. Don´t forget the basic NO´s - No for too much cleavage, no for too short skirts, no for showing your tummy, no for dirty clothes, no for too much perfume, no for too much bright colours (including make up-you don´t need to wear a mask).
  5. Feel good in your clothes. Being interviewed for a job is tense enough. You don´t need any more distractions or worries.

    Good luck

     Now some pictures as I promised :