teisipäev, 7. jaanuar 2014

My NO chemical haircare

  So, why am I doing this? Well, it is pretty easy. My hair was in such bad condition that i had to cut a lot off. But even though i did cut them off , everyday is a bad hair day. The ends are still weak and split and I really do not want to cut them off again. I have worked hard this time to have good hair, but nothing has helped. So, now I decided to try something new.
   I was reading a blog from a girl, who has gone ALL NATURAL. She makes her own makeup, hair dye, deodorant,shampoo, conditioner etc.. and her hair looks so good! She said it is a hard procedure to go fully natural haircare, especially when you have greasy hair, but it is worth it!

SO. Now I am doing the change. I only wash my hair with mixed egg or baking soda, I made my own conditioner of raw honey,apple cider vinegar and coconut oil and my hair feels good. I ordered some natural ingredients to make my own hair dye and i really can not wait to get them!! I also only wash my hair once a week. I know, it is a bit freaky because I have oily hair, but it is worth it.
  I am trying to follow the thought of- what you don´t put in your mouth, dont put it on your hair. I know the same thing goes for makeup, but I am not sure about that, I will and I have skipped a lot of makeup lately, but there are some things that I love so much that I am not sure I can cancel them. But we will see what happens .
   Wish me luck!

PS: I will make some pictures about my hair and in my next post I will show you, what it looks like, so you can follow my journey!

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